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Neurolingo is an innovative software company specializing in the fields of Natural Language Processing Systems (NLP) and text analysis (Business Intelligence focusing on text content), a subject that is knowledge and research intensive. It is staffed by a team of highly experienced computer engineers, statistical experts, linguists, who focus on solving business problems in managing (unstructured) natural language data, extracting information and knowledge, emotion analysis, semantic indexing, data quality, data matching, data processing, system integration & interconnection, chatbots.

The company has created a wide range of linguistic resources and products including dictionaries, thesauruses, language processing algorithms, spellings checkers, word processors and more. It has created monolingual electronic dictionaries for the Greek language, built control, proof-reading and spelling machines, developed infrastructure tools for optimizing electronic lexicography applications, developed computer system ontologies for various fields of knowledge, implemented word processing and word processing services (customized) for language technology applications. Today, the centre of its services and products is on the Mnemosyne NLP environment, which incorporates all the technologies and dictionaries developed by the company, into an integrated natural language processing system, with remarkable adaptability to different thematic areas and conditions, targeting knowledge extraction and comprehension of text. Mnemosyne is an natural language processing platform integrating technologies from the field of computational linguistics and modern natural language processing with machine learning and deep learning. It has been used in many and complex text analysis projects for finding facts and nominal entities, extracting knowledge, finding causes, constructing interactive conversational interfaces (chatbots).


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